For 1156 days I made one artwork everyday.
One artwork every day for 1156 days. On the 1156th day I understood that the project was finished. The experiment of daily artwork was complete. The archive and analysis will be developed.
There’s something about making everyday that allows us to explore what happens when we pay attention, is fast and immediate but also slow.
In this project it was my ambition is to connect people to the possibility of change through daily attention to the world. Our reality is always shifting; things known and contained, seeming stable, can become more unknown, while what seems like a risk, a wild card, can quickly appear safe and familiar. Life is not a still photo, static, solid. It is important to keep paying attention.
For me, in this project, artworks were not the most important output, but a process to describe the experience of living. Art is a way to transit ideas, a way to feel free. People are often afraid of feeling free and making art is a way in, a path into different, more permeable, ways of thinking. It is a way to break clichés, and to make new connections between things that can seem fixed.